n127= raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :12,0 +$ $realtime $adate 2,0I have received your page... | splay page.wav
n128= altech -a %dis10 $+ $realtime $adate You have been paged by $fulladdress
n129= .timer 1 3 raw -q PRIVMSG $nick :2,0If I do not reply soon, I am probably unreachable. If so, leave a message in this window which will be saved.
n131=#page end
n132=ctcp 1:YES:{
n133= if $ulevel < 19 tempignore $fulladdress
n134= if (($nick ison %votechan) && (%vote)) gotvote yes $nick $site
n135= else gotctcp $nick $fulladdress
n136= halt
n138=ctcp 1:NO:{
n139= if $ulevel < 19 tempignore $fulladdress
n140= if (($nick ison %votechan) && (%vote)) gotvote no $nick $site